
Welcome to our website. The MPAseco team is proud to give you the first beta version of a server controller for ShootMania based on XAseco2 by Xymph.

More information will follow soon.


MPAseco as the name says is a server controller for ManiaPlanet games. It's a controller for Shootmania and Questmania. This controller is based on XASECO2, the most popular server controller for TM2 / TMF and previous TM games. Thanks to the authors Xymph and Flo. You can find more information about XASECO2 on XAseco.org and on the TM2 hub page.

MPAseco v0.65 Release

2013-02-24 18:54:22 by kremsy

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v0.50 Release

2012-10-04 11:10:17 by kremsy

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v0.45 Release

2012-09-20 10:42:55 by kremsy

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v0.40 Release

2012-09-09 10:08:37 by kremsy

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MPAseco on ManiaActu

2012-07-31 15:33:59 by TheM

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2012-07-24 08:25:00 by ManiacTwister

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